Armenia expresses its solidarity with the WB's policy of fighting against poverty
Armenia expresses its solidarity with the WB's policy of fighting against poverty

The RA government has approved the RA government's draft decision "On approving the instrument of commitment of the Republic of Armenia within the framework of the twentieth replenishment of resources of the International Development Partnership".

The International Development Association (IDA) is one of the main structures of the World Bank Group, the main purpose of which is to provide assistance to extremely poor countries, including at the expense of voluntary contributions from member countries (donors).

Since 2014, the Republic of Armenia has not been a country benefiting from IDP support. 

According to the project approved at today's government session, Armenia will participate in replenishing the resources of the IDP by acting as an IDP donor.

The contribution of RA aimed at supplementing the IDP resources will amount to 700,000 special borrowing rights (about one million US dollars).

Thus, Armenia expresses its solidarity with the WB's anti-poverty policy, supporting the implementation of the Bank's two main goals: "reducing extreme poverty by 2030" and "contributing to the general well-being and prosperity of countries".