Atom Janjughazyan Received the Delegation of Asian Development Bank
Atom Janjughazyan Received the Delegation of Asian Development Bank

The RA Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan received the delegation led by Shivaji Kshatrapati, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Board of Directors Member, and Werner Liepach, ADB Director General for Central and West Asia Department.

During the meeting, the parties referred to the possibilities of expanding the programs implemented in the public and private sectors. The main areas of partnership strategy development were discussed, which include expanding opportunities for economic development, enhancing the efficiency of public administration, and capacity building.

Reference was made to the development and harmonization of sectoral strategies of the RA Government, as a result of which the scope of programs with ADB will be clarified. In this context, ADB representatives emphasized the proper preparation and implementation of programs in the fields of agriculture, infrastructure, health, education and energy.

Atom Janjughazyan stressed the importance of cooperation with ADB and noted that it has significant involvement in the process of reforms in a number of directions in Armenia.

In his turn, Shivaji Kshatrapati highly appreciated the achievements of the Armenian Government, in particular ensuring a stable fiscal environment and the issuance of Eurobonds.