Budget Execution Debates at the NA Standing Committees
Budget Execution Debates at the NA Standing Committees

On June 7, at the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Economic Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan, presenting the budget execution, underscored that one of the peculiarities of 2018 is the fact that tax revenues have been substantiated by tax reports due to the changes made as of January 1.

Tax revenues and state duties of the state budget without the balance of the single unified account amounted to AMD 1 trillion 258 billion, total revenues – AMD 1 trillion 341.7 billion. The adjusted program of tax revenues and state duties was executed by 99.7 percent.

 “Tax revenues and state duties have been increased by nearly AMD 165 billion in comparison with the previous year. This index includes the change of state-taxpayers relations since January 1 last year, according to which the state has assumed certain obligations. About AMD 55 billion worth transactions were made in this respect. In other equal conditions, state budget tax revenues could have been more”, - said the Minister.

According to the Minister, the value-added tax had a big share in the tax revenues and state duties and totaled AMD 438 billion or 32.7 percent of total revenues; the income tax was AMD 356.6 billion or 26.6 percent of total revenues.

For the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development, AMD 14.4 billion was envisaged by the adjusted program in 2018; the actual index was AMD 8.4 billion or 58.4 percent.

AMD 3.25 billion was envisaged for the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments, and AMD 2.9 billion was used.

The program indicators of the Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources are conditioned by external assistance programs. The adjusted program made AMD 23 billion; AMD 16.5 billion of actual indicator or 71 percent of the program was recorded.

The budget of the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies envisaged AMD 56.3 billion; the actual index was AMD 48.3 billion or 85.7 percent.

95 percent or AMD 777.8 million comprised the maintenance costs of the Public Services Regulatory Commission staff. For SCPEC, it was envisaged AMD 328.8 million for maintenance costs by the 2018 program; and 98.5 percent of the expenditures was used.

The actual indicator of the budget of the State Cadastre Committee was AMD 4.1 billion or 89.63 percent.

The State Committee for Water Economy implemented 29 projects; AMD 21.9 billion or 63 percent of the adjusted program was used.

The use of the budget of the Civil Aviation Committee of Armenia made 78 percent or AMD 966 million.

Resources for the State Property Management Department were used by 93 percent; the use of the Migration Service of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development was 97 percent or AMD 237 million. The expenditures of the Urban Development Committee made AMD 7.9 billion or 66 percent of the adjusted program. The State Committee for Tourism of the RA Ministry of Economic Development and Investments used AMD 385.6 million or 96 percent of the adjusted program.