IMF Executive Board Approved Stand-By Arrangement for Armenia
IMF Executive Board Approved Stand-By Arrangement for Armenia

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a 36-month Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) for Armenia amounting to about US$248.2 million. The Armenian authorities have indicated that they will treat the arrangement as precautionary, and do not intend to draw on the new SBA unless shocks generate balance of payments needs.

Following the Executive Board discussion, Mr. Mitsuhiro Furusawa, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chairman, issued the following statement: “Armenia has continued to make progress in recent years in maintaining macroeconomic and financial stability and in implementing structural reforms to promote growth. Economic activity has strengthened, and public debt has started to decline. Nonetheless, continuing reform efforts are needed to support a more balanced and inclusive growth, by reducing imbalances, improving the business climate and strengthening governance, and advancing measures to reduce poverty and unemployment. The authorities are committed to a sustainable fiscal path, supported by the fiscal rule, while creating space for critical spending in enhancing infrastructure and social spending. These objectives need to be accompanied by measures to improve tax administration and modernize property taxation”.

For the IMF’s press release, follow the link.