Loan Agreement “Additional Financing fthe Education Improvement Project” was signed at the RA Ministry of Finance
Loan Agreement “Additional Financing fthe Education Improvement Project” was signed at the RA Ministry of Finance

Today on June 9, 2022, at the RA Ministry of Finance, the Loan Agreement “Additional Financing fthe Education Improvement Project” was signed between the Republic of Armenia the International Bank fReconstruction Development.

The document was signed by Tigran Khachatryan, RA Minister of Finance Carolin Geginat, Country Manager of the World Bank fArmenia. The meeting was also attended by Vahe Hovhannisyan, Deputy Minister of Finance Zhannareasyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture Sports.

In the framework of the loan agreement in the amount of Euro 22,600.000, it is planned to expthe directions of the "Education Improvement" loan Project, in line with the Clause "Human Capital Development” of the RA Government program f2021-2026. It is envisaged to:

  • Build, reconstruct renovate at least 300 schools by 2026, providing them with complete furniture equipment,
  • modern natural science engineering laboratories in all 1400 schools of the republic by 2026, significantly improving the quality of education,
  • build, reconstruct renovate at least 500 kindergartens pre-schools by 2026 providing them with complete furniture equipment,
  • implement innovative development programs in higher education institutions, contribute to the development of teaching learning environment, as well as research skills.

Welcoming the guests, Minister Khachatryan noted: “The projects implemented with the World Bank are not only financial resources fus, which are directed to the development of the most important educational infrastructures environment, but also allow us to constantly cooperate with the WB experienced team similar valuable projects”.

“With this project, the Government aims to improve the adequacy, quality accessibility of all levels of education, including early childhood higher education services. The project contributes to strengthening Armenia's human capital increasing the competitiveness of the economy in important directions”, mentioned Carolin Geginat in her speech.