
Macroeconomic Policy Department

Contact Information:
Tel.: (+37411) 800-144

The main tasks of the department are:

1) programming of macroeconomic indicators.

2) implementation of macroeconomic studies, analyzes and forecasts;

3) analysis and assessment of fiscal and public debt stability risks;

4) coordination of fiscal and monetary policies;

5) presentation of the macroeconomic framework for the development of the state budget and medium-term expenditure plan;

6) participation in development and review of strategic plans.


Functions of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy, according to the Annex to the Order of the RA Minister of Finance N 462-L of September 26, 2018

The scope of professional knowledge of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy, according to the order of the Secretary General of the RA Ministry of Finance  No. 1547-A of October 20, 2023

Head of Department Garik Petrosyan
Tel: (+37411) 800-130
Division of Forecasting and Analysis of the External Sector
Head of Division - Deputy Head of Department Arshaluys Harutyunyan
Tel: (+37411) 800-140
Division of Forecasting and Analysis of the Real Sector
Head of Division Narine Titizyan
Tel: (+37411) 800-142
Division of coordination of fiscal and monetary policy
Head of Division Garik Petrosyan
Tel: (+37411) 800-144