Meeting with Russian Deputy Minister of Finance
Meeting with Russian Deputy Minister of Finance

On June 12, within the framework of the program of bilateral cooperation between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, a meeting was held with the Russian Deputy Minister of Finance Alexey Lavrov at the RA Ministry of Finance.

The RA First Deputy Minister of Finance Karen Brutyan attached importance to the active cooperation between the sectoral ministries of the two countries. He noted that holding such meetings and seminars and exchange of experience contribute to the reforms in the sphere of public finance management.

The Russian Deputy Minister of Finance presented to the Armenian partners the structure of the budget system in Russia, budget planning principles and classification approaches, as well as the logic of the budget process and mid-term reform programs.

Karen Brutyan, in his turn, presented the peculiarities of program budgeting introduced in Armenia and the steps to increase the efficiency of public finance management.