Meghri Border Checkpoint to be Modernized and Expanded
Meghri Border Checkpoint to be Modernized and Expanded

On February 7, the RA Ministry of Finance and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed loan and grant agreements worth a total of EUR 21 146 263 for modernization and expansion of the Meghri Border Checkpoint. The agreements were signed by Atom Janjughazyan, RA Minister of Finance, and Dimitri Gvindadze, Head of EBRD Armenia Office.

The signing ceremony was also attended by RA Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan, EBRD Vice President for Policy and Partnership Pierre Heilbronn, RA Deputy Minister of Finance Armen Hayrapetyan, EBRD Director for Caucasus, Moldova and Belarus Catarina Bjorlin Hansen, EBRD Deputy Regional Director, Advisor to Vice President Sevi Simavi, Head Cooperation Division of the EU Delegation to Armenia Gonzalo Serrano and others.

Within the framework of the overall program for the modernization and expansion of the Meghri Border Checkpoint more than the half or EUR 10 520 000 and EUR 700 000 will be financed through grants to be provided to Armenia by the European Union under the  European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).