Our goal is to guarantee a fair distribution of public good: Karen Brutyan
Our goal is to guarantee a fair distribution of public good: Karen Brutyan

During the discussion on “Fighting Corruption for Sustainable Development Goals”, the RA First Deputy Minister of Finance Karen Brutyan presented the strategy of the RA Public Finance Management System for 2019-2023, which was approved on November 28 at the Government session.

The Deputy Minister considered it necessary to explain the importance of the Strategy, as public finance management is not just about finance.

 “We have been thinking for a long time what the citizen should expect as a result of this strategy. And we came to the conclusion that our goal should be to guarantee a fair distribution of public good. All members of the public should feel and understand that public good is distributed fairly”, - Karen Brutyan said.

According to him, it should be obvious that public finance management decisions have a direct impact on people's lives, which improves their quality of life. The strategy also addresses targeted, cost-effective and efficient use of public good.

“If we provide resources to accomplish any goal, then we need to make sure we get results, value in return for money,” - Karen Brutyan noted. In addition, the strategy stipulates that processes should be transparent, accountable.

 “Besides having the right targets, the environment where the strategy is being implemented is also important”, - Karen Brutyan said.