RA Finance Minister Tigran Khachatryan is on an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran
RA Finance Minister Tigran Khachatryan is on an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran

The RA Finance Minister Tigran Khachatryan and Deputy Minister Avag Avanesyan are on a working visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran from November 7 to 9.

Meetings were held with the Deputy President of the Republic of Iran Masoud Mir Kazemi, the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs of the Republic of Iran Ehsan Khandozi and a number of other high-ranking officials, within the framework of the visit

A number of economic priorities between the neighboring countries were highlighted during the meeting by Tigran Khachatryan and Ehsan Khanduzi, which was held on November 8, in particular, the implementation of annual trade of 3 billion dollars, the volume of exchange of goods to 5 million tons, as well as the simplification of financial, commercial and customs relations and development.

Minister Khachatryan gladly noted that during his first visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran, productive and constructive discussions took place. In his speech, the minister emphasized the continuous development and strengthening of cooperation between Iran and Armenia. "Economic and political relations between Iran and Armenia have decades of history. The basis of all ongoing negotiations is this long-standing cooperation between the two countries. The goal of raising the level of commercial and economic relations between Armenia and Iran inflict to three billion dollars is proof of these main foundations."

Referring to the recorded 25 percent increase in the volume of economic exchanges between the two countries, the minister emphasized that this year the increase in the volume of exchanges between the two countries will be more than 40 percent.

During the meeting, Ehsan Khanduzi said, "The Iranian government is very serious about the economic policy of the neighboring countries, focusing on the Caucasus region, and I hope that the goal of 3 billion dollars of trade between our countries, which was discussed by the President of Iran and the Prime Minister of Armenia during the meeting, it will be implemented during this government."

Within the framework of the official visit is also planned a meeting with the Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade of Iran Reza Fatemi Amin.