Significance of close cooperation was highlighted during the meeting between Tigran Khachatryan and IMF representative
Significance of close cooperation was highlighted during the meeting between Tigran Khachatryan and IMF representative

On August 13, the RA Minister of Finance Tigran Khachatryan received Mehdi Raissi, the Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund.

Tigran Khachatryan welcomed the Resident Representative, noting that the Ministry of Finance has a number of important areas of joint activities with the International Monetary Fund; the significance of each is difficult to overestimate. The RA Minister of Finance stressed the importance of the IMF's support for the implementation of government policy aimed at macroeconomic stability in Armenia.

Tigran Khachatryan also noted that he would be delighted to deepen the activities with the IMF.

The IMF Representative Mehdi Raissi, in his turn, thanked for the opportunity to meet and congratulate Tigran Khachatryan on the occasion of being appointed the Minister of Finance.

He stressed that Armenia has many years of experience of cooperation with the IMF. The IMF Resident Representative strongly believed that the close communication will be ongoing hereinafter.