The Armenian Parliament has adopted the 2021 State Budget
The Armenian Parliament has adopted the 2021 State Budget

On December 10, the RA National Assembly adopted the Draft State Budget for 2021 with a ratio of 84 "in favour" and 14 "against" votes.

The revenues of the RA State Budget for 2021 are programmed in the amount of 23.6% of the GDP and make AMD 1,509.5 billion, out of which tax revenues and state duties comprise AMD 1,440.1 billion. The share of the latter in GDP is 22.5%.

The deficit of the RA State Budget for 2021 is programmed at 5.3% of GDP and makes AMD 341.4 billion, of which AMD 138.7 billion for internal sources and AMD 202.7 billion for external sources.

Based on the projected level of RA state budget revenues in the amount of 23.6% of GDP and proceeding from the deficit financing opportunities in the amount of 5.3% of GDP, the RA Government plans to provide expenditures in the amount of AMD 1.850.9 billion or 28.9% of GDP in 2021. Current expenditures will amount to AMD 1.634.6 billion or 25.6% of GDP. Expenditures on operations with non-financial assets are projected at AMD 216.3 billion or 3.4% of GDP.

The RA Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan stated in the Parliament that it is of vital importance for the state in general, especially in this situation to have a program for the coming period, and the state budget is just such a program of the state.

 “Approval of the budget is a key factor that characterizes the level of development of the state. And it is always very important, especially in non-standard situations in which the Republic of Armenia is”, - said the Minister of Finance.

The video of the Minister's speech is here.