The Debates of the Annual Report on the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2018 Continued
The Debates of the Annual Report on the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2018 Continued

On June 11, at the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Health and Social Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, discussion of the 2018 state budget report continued.

Presenting the budget execution, Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan noted that besides the program indicators approved by the budget, the provisions of the Law "On State Budget", "On the Budgetary System of the Republic of Armenia" and other legal acts imply that changes made during budget execution refer to the programs included in the expenditure part. During the year, the program indicators are adjusted conditioned by the extra-budgetary circulation; within the framework of the powers entrusted to the Government as well as within the scope of the operations, in the event of occurrence of which the Government is obliged to incorporate them into the program and actual indicators in the prescribed manner defined by the budget law.

Touching upon the program budgeting, the Minister once again underlined that the new system is not based on the use of resources, but the results achieved. “It is also important to record whether the goals set in the forecast are fulfilled or not, or to what extent”, - said Janjughazyan.

The social protection sector, as in previous years, has the largest share in the state budget expenditures, comprising 29 percent of total expenditure or 7.5 percent of the GDP. The actual index was AMD 416.6 billion or 98.2 percent.

In the health budget classification section, in 2018, it was used AMD 79.6 billion or 5.5 percent of total expenditure, 1.4 percent of GDP.