The discussions of the Draft Budget for 2021 continued in the National Assembly
The discussions of the Draft Budget for 2021 continued in the National Assembly

Today in the joint sittings of the standing committees of the National Assembly the discussions of the Draft Law on the State Budget of Armenia for 2021 continued.

The RA Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan reminded that the Law on the State Budget for 2020 has been amended twice, first due to the coronavirus, and the second time due to the war unleashed by Azerbaijan. “We must take into account that these dangers have not passed yet, that is why the level of uncertainty remains high,” - the Minister said.

The Minister emphasized that the Draft Budget for 2021 was submitted for discussion before the start of hostilities in Artsakh, after which changes were compulsorily made in the 2020 budget. As a result, according to Atom Janjughazyan, the Draft Law on the 2021 budget reflected the forecasts and indicators of the results of the 2020 budget execution, which were later changed during the war.

“The draft has been developed with the logic that in the conditions of estimating the still uncertain moment of the deep decline and the start of the recovery, it will be possible to keep both the budget and debt indicators in a manageable range through smooth fiscal consolidation, as well as to contribute to economic recovery,” - he said.

The RA Minister of Finance answered the deputies' questions as well. Then, the officials of the sectoral agencies presented the programs and expenses of the spheres under their control envisaged by the 2021 state budget.