The Public Finance Management System Reform Strategy 2019-2023 has been presented to international organizations
The Public Finance Management System Reform Strategy 2019-2023 has been presented to international organizations

The RA Ministry of Finance organized today a working discussion on "Strategy of Public Finance Management Reforms 2019-2023" with the participation of representatives of international organizations in Armenia.

In his opening remarks, the RA Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan stated that the Public Finance Management System Reform Strategy and Action Plan for 2019-2023 is intended to ensure the adequacy of regulations, forecasts and decisions, targeted, efficient and cost-effective use of public good, integrity of transparency, accountability and control.

"The Government has adopted a more proactive and transparent approach. This conference, initiated by the Government, is an important component of ensuring transparency and inclusiveness of reforms in public finance management, and aims to present our reform agenda to our partners, demonstrating the political will for change and identifying donor community engagement and enhancing its effectiveness", - said Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan.

The RA Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan presented the key directions of the Strategy to the representatives of international financial organizations participating in the discussion, noting that the measures to be implemented within its framework should be coordinated and harmonious.

"Civil society representatives have also been involved in the development of the Strategy, which has never been done before. We are confident that we have succeeded in finding a set of compromise measures that will allow us to register new achievements in the public finance management system in a short time", - said the Minister.

According to Atom Janjughazyan, the development of the Strategy was based on the Government's action plan.

"The vision of the reforms implemented by the Strategy is the fair distribution of the public good through its efficient, cost-effective and targeted use", - stressed the Minister, attaching importance to ensuring transparency of public finance management.

Representatives of international donor organizations emphasized the importance of the Strategy, made suggestions, and a discussions among participants took place.