Within the framework of the Public Expenditure Management Peer-Assisted Learning (PEMPAL) Program, on June 11 in Tsaghkadzor, the 47th Meeting of the Audit in Practice Working Group of the Internal Audit Community of Practice (IACOP) has launched.
Delegates from 26 countries participate in the event and key achievements and improvements in public internal financial control reforms, as well as issues related to enhancing the effectiveness of the internal audit will be discussed.
During the Meeting it is also planned to discuss the "Internal Audit Task Planning" document developed by the IACOP, as well as the scope of information submission in the annual internal audit reports of the Central Harmonization Unit.
Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan made an opening speech at the Meeting and stated:
"Such events are an opportunity for experience exchange and capacity building in the field of internal audit, which will make the internal audit system activities more effective in the participating countries. sThe internal control system and internal audit are tools which are crucial to raising the efficiency of public finance management”, - said the Minister.
He also pointed out that the introduction of program budgeting has a unique place in raising the efficiency of public finance management, which implies a system of measurable indicators that will enable evaluating the effectiveness of the financial resources spent from the state budget.
Arman Vatyan, Financial Management Sector Leader for Central Asia at the World Bank, mentioned, that “The quality of internal audit performance in the public finance management system is essential to guarantee that public funds are spent economically, effectively and efficiently”.
The Chief Treasurer of the Russian Federation Roman Artyukhin, the RA Deputy Minister of Finance Karen Tamazyan, former Minister of Finance Vardan Aramyan, Head of FMC CHU of the IACOP Chair Edgar Mkrtchyan and international experts are also attending the sitting.