Training Courses for Procurement Coordinators
Training Courses for Procurement Coordinators

On May 21, the RA Ministry of Finance has launched training courses on sub-legislative regulations of procurement, aimed at presenting the major reforms in the field to the procurement coordinators. On the first day of the courses, sub-legislative changes were introduced to the procurement process coordinators of the agencies.

According to Sergey Shahnazaryan, head of the RA MF Procurement Policy Department, on the basis of the identified problems amendments have been made to the RA Government Decision No 526-N dated May 4, 2017, which were posted on the website during the past 7 months and were also discussed with clients, suppliers and other stakeholders.  

“The decision has already been made by the Government and will come into force within the timeframes prescribed by the law. The next phase of the reform will be the process of making changes to the procurement law. The Ministry of Finance is open for cooperation and calls on interested parties to present their proposals”, - said Shahnazaryan.

He noted that the revision of sub-legislative regulations provides for an opportunity of up to 25% prepayment defined by the invitation, exclusion of discriminatory conditions, raising competition and attractiveness in the field, etc.

Such courses conducted by the RA Ministry of Finance aim to increase the professional capacities of procurement coordinators and will have periodic nature.

Current issues were also discussed with the procurement process coordinators of the agencies.