
Information and Public Relations Division

The main tasks of the department  are as follows:

1) The organization and implementation of the Ministry’s information policy,

2) Public awareness of the activities of the  Ministry subdivisions and Ministry officials through press releases, references, reports ,video materials  and other means of information materials,

3)Ensuring  cooperation between the Minister, and other officials with  mass media, organization and fulfillment of announcements, interviews,  press conferences , press briefings, as well as conduction of meetings with  mass media and representatives of other organizations in order to provide information on the Ministry's activities;

4) Ensuring cooperation with public and other organizations , planning and implementing joint work events, as well as ensuring their illustration and  exchange of the information,

5) Preparation of analytical materials, publications, theories, messages covered by press for the Minister or other officials,

6) Taking part in the planning of events with the participation of the Minister ,

7) Examination , analysis  and archiving of  the information published by mass media relating   to the Ministry’s activities.