Deputy Minister of Finance Arman Poghosyan took part in the National Assembly's discussion on issues pertaining to the banking sector
Deputy Minister of Finance Arman Poghosyan took part in the National Assembly's discussion on issues pertaining to the banking sector

On January 30, Deputy Minister of Finance Arman Poghosyan participated in a discussion led by Babken Tunyan, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs. The discussion focused on the package of draft laws titled "On Amendments and Additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia" and "On Amendments to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia."

Other representatives from the Government and banks operating in Armenia also participated in the discussion.

Presenting the changes and additions provided for by the legislative package, Arman Poghosyan noted that it is proposed to establish an exception for banks and credit organizations in two cases from the general approach by deciding on the minimum rules of VAT and profit tax bases for real estate alienation transactions.

During the discussion, reference was made to real estate alienation transactions, existing risks and their management.

In order to discuss a number of other problems in the banking sector, an agreement was reached to organize another working discussion in the near future.