The Prime Minister introduced the newly appointed Minister Tigran Khachatryan to the staff of the Ministry of Finance
The Prime Minister introduced the newly appointed Minister Tigran Khachatryan to the staff of the Ministry of Finance

The Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the Ministry of Finance and introduced the newly appointed Minister Tigran Khachatryan to the staff.

Nikol Pashinyan first thanked Atom Janjughazyan for his work as Minister of Finance.

Emphasizing the normal functioning of the financial system and the Ministry during the crisis, the Prime Minister noted that it is very important and praiseworthy. Nikol Pashinyan mentioned that there are many important issues in the sphere, which have been discussed, and decisions have been made, and further plans should be pondered over.

The Prime Minister singled out two directions

The first is the continuous improvement of the public procurement system, because we have two possible issues. The first one is to be able to implement our goals and adopted programs productively and as efficiently as possible. The other is to make sure that this goal does not put an obstacle to investment, public investment, and in particular capital investment. It should be said that this is not a simple problem; it does not have simple solutions. I think it is very important to draw conclusions from our work carried out in this direction during this period and make some decisions.

The second direction is the issue of public debt management. And to be a little more specific, it is the issue of more efficient management of our fiscal areas, which is also not a simple one. Of course, a lot of serious work has been done, but I think we have not been able to achieve the right balance here yet. I do not know whether it is possible or not, however, the issue should be put on the agenda”, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan noted.

Speaking about the significant changes in the field of tax policy over the past three years, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stressed that serious work is expected in the near future.“There have been situations when we were able to show political will to make the necessary changes. And it must be said directly that there have been situations when we have not been able to show political will to carry out the necessary reforms. I think now is the best time to show that political will, when the challenges facing our country make our society, and us more receptive to continue the course of reforms and increase efficiency”, noted the Prime Minister.

Nikol Pashinyan congratulated and wished success to Tigran Khachatryan: “You are not a new person at the RA Ministry of Finance and once held the position of the Deputy Minister of Finance”. According to the Prime Minister, the current mutual attitude and atmosphere, as well as Atom Janjughazyan's readiness to support the reforms and paying attention to the conclusions based on the gained experience set very good preconditions for this process to be given a new impetus and produce good results.

Atom Janjughazyan thanked Nikol Pashinyan for giving him the chance to undertake such a responsible commitment: “The public finance management plays a key role in terms of macro-balance; that role would probably not have been possible to carry out during this whole period without your support. I would like to assure you that during this period we have remained fully committed to the mission of the institute; surely, there has never been a case of a conscious gap between our actions and our mission”, noted Atom Janjughazyan.

He congratulated Tigran Khachatryan and wished him new achievements: “I am confident that in this case too, having your support, Mr. Prime Minister, it will be possible to solve the tasks set for the staff in the best way”, he said.

Tigran Khachatryan, in his turn, thanked the Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan for entrusting him to this responsible position, thanked Atom Janjughazyan and the staff of the Ministry for the work done during these years. “As you mentioned, especially in recent difficult times, with the direct participation of the Ministry, the Government has managed to ensure the most important thing, which is macroeconomic stability”, he said.

Tigran Khachatryan expressed confidence that in partnership with Atom Janjughazyan, in the near future the Ministry will work with maximum efficiency as well.

