The RA NA Commissions Continued the Discussion of the Annual Report on State Budget Execution
The RA NA Commissions Continued the Discussion of the Annual Report on State Budget Execution

On June 12, the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment, and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs continued discussions on the 2018 budget execution. The RA Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan noted that in 2018, budget execution process took place in a stable macroeconomic and fiscal environment. “Therefore, all the programs that we had outlined in the previous year's budget have been implemented”, - said the Finance Minister.

In the case of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection, the adjusted index for the reporting year made AMD 5 billion, the execution was 79 percent or AMD 3.9 billion.

It was envisaged to allocate AMD 6 billion 484 million to the RA Ministry of Agriculture by the adjusted program in 2018. The performance was about 88 percent or AMD 5.7 billion.

According to Atom Janjughazyan, in the reporting year, most of the allocations for the local self-governing bodies - regional administrations (marzpetarans) - were related to education, allocations were made to the culture, social spheres, maintenance costs and so on.

The actual index of Aragatsotn Marzpetaran made AMD 5.6 billion, or 97.4 percent of the planned program.

In the case of Ararat Marzpetaran, the actual figure made AMD 7.97 billion in the reporting year, the performance was 99.2 percent of the planned program.

In the Armavir Marz, the use amounted to AMD 8.3 billion or 99.6 percent of the planned program.

The actual index of the Gegharqunik marz administration made AMD 8.6 billion, the execution - about 98.6 percent.

The use of the Lori regional administration was AMD 8.7 billion or 99.7 percent.

For the Kotayk Marzpetaran, the budget of 2018 provided AMD 7.4 billion, 89 percent or AMD 6.6 billion was executed.

In the reporting year, the use of Shirak Marzpetaran made AMD 8.8 billion, the performance - about 100 percent.

The use of the Syunik regional administration made AMD 5 billion 787 million or 99 percent of the planned program.

The actual indicator for Vayots Dzor was AMD 2.6 billion or 98.7 percent of the performance.

The Tavush Marzpetaran was allocated AMD 5.5 billion by the adjusted program; the performance was 95 percent or AMD 5.2 billion.

At the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport, and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Atom Janjughazyan presented the indices of the respective spheres.

73 programs were implemented in the reporting year by the Ministry of Education and Science. The adjusted program indicator was AMD 39.3 billion; the execution was 96.9 percent or AMD 38 billion.

For the Ministry of Culture, the use of 2018 comprised AMD 12.3 billion or 97.7 percent.

In the reporting year, 40 programs were implemented by the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs. The execution was 97.1 percent or the actual index comprised AMD 5.7 billion.

In 2018, 17 programs were planned for the Ministry of Diaspora; the adjusted program index was AMD 1.1 billion, and the actual index - 83.11 percent.

For the Council of the Public Television and Radio Company AMD 6 billion 375 million was envisaged, and the actual index comprised 99.9 percent.

The funds provided by the state budget for 2018 were used by the National Commission for Television and Radio for 96.5 percent or the execution amounted to AMD 263 million, which is mainly related to maintenance costs.

About AMD 14.3 billion was envisaged for the sphere of science, the performance of which was 97.7 percent.