Budgets Execution Reporting Department
Contact Information:
The main tasks of the department are as follows :
1) Preparation of reports on state budget, community budgets and extra-budgetary funds and their presentation in accordance with prescribed manner and deadlines,
2) Analysis of the results of the state budget execution of the Republic of Armenia,
3) Collection of information relating to the budgetary system of the Republic of Armenia, registration and analysis of assets and liabilities of public administration institutions - financial assets, fixed assets and material values; as well as making partial and complete reports on the latter,
4) Ensuring publicity of information on the state budget, community budgets and extra-budgetary funds formation and administration.
Functions of the budget execution reporting department, according to the annex to the order of the Minister of Finance RA N 467-L dated September 27, 2018 .
The scope of professional knowledge of the Department of Budget Implementation Reports, according to the orders of the General Secretary of the RA Ministry of Finance N 1514-A of October 13, 2023 .